Video SEO

More traffic, more views, less work

Courtesy of videos automatically optimized for search.

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Embed some serious SEO

You don’t need to code a thing. When you put a video on your web page, we inject markup into the head of that page to help your videos rank in search results.

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Video search result with highlighted transcript text over video software UI showing a video transcript

Leave transcription to us

Search engines can’t watch your videos. That’s why we automatically transcribe every video and include the text in the structured data for your page. Talk about a zero-lift way to help your videos show up in organic search results!

Large search bar over a webpage with three videos and an embed code button

Video galleries that search engines love

A snazzy, branded collection of videos, each with their own search-optimized page? SEOh, yeah. It’s called a Wistia Channel, and you can add one to your site with a single embed code.

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Video search result driving to a brand’s site

Send more traffic to your site

When your YouTube videos rank in search engines, they send folks to your YouTube channel. Wistia videos drive traffic to your site, giving you more control over what your audience sees.

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Frequently asked questions

Get all the As to your FAQs.

  • How does video SEO with Wistia work?

    We designed Wistia embeds with search engines in mind to make sure they’re indexable out of the box. When you embed a Wistia video on any page, Google and other search engine crawlers can find and parse it without needing a video sitemap. Asynchronous JavaScript is then used to inject structured data into the head of the page. This data gives the search engine the video title, description, thumbnail, transcription, length, and chapters.

  • What is SEO?

    SEO stands for search engine optimization. It’s a set of practices and techniques used to improve the visibility and ranking of a website or web page on search results pages.

  • How do I create high-quality videos that’ll boost my SEO?

    Glad you asked. We have a ton of resources dedicated to helping you create valuable videos for your business, whether you're shooting with an iPhone or setting up a mini studio in your office. Check out our production blog for top tips on video production.
  • How do I optimize my video for SEO?

    Host your videos on Wistia! We do all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is embed your video prominently at the top of a page and then give it a compelling title, a good description, and an eye-catching custom thumbnail.

  • Can video improve SEO?

    Absolutely. Video improves SEO in two ways. First, it tells search engines that a page contains rich media, which may make it more relevant for certain queries. Second, it allows pages to appear in video mode searches and within video boxes in general web search.

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